比特派官网最新APP|Slushpool矿池 - 区块链网

Slushpool作为世界上第一家比特币矿池,自2010年成立运行至今,3月首次发布中文版。 Slushpool隶属于位于捷克首都布拉格的SatoshiLabs。作为较早成立的比特币公司,SatoshiLabs经营的主要项目除矿池slushpool之外,还包括比特币硬件钱包(TREZOR和myTREZOR)(巴比特测评:Trezor硬件钱包 )和可以查询支持比特币支付商家的工具(Coinmap)。 架构师Marek Palatinus,更多认识他的人愿意称他为“Slush”。2010年,Marek Palatinus成立了世界上第一家矿池slushpool。从2010年12月开始运作,已经有超过939000个比特币从slushpool被挖出。尽管目前来看,国内矿池行业发展迅速,占据了全网大部分算力。但是在2013年,国内矿池鱼池F2pool诞生之前,slushpool是全世界旷工们的主要选择之一。 Slushpool自成立起一直专注国际市场。今年三月首次发布中文版。Marek Palatinus在接受采访时说,“中国是未完全开发的市场之一,并且比特币在中国正迅速流行开来。我们已经发布对中国的服务,我们在北京和新加坡设有服务器并且提供中文的技术支持。” 谈及今后计划,Marek Palatinus说,“当下我们正努力实现’合并挖矿’,它将给挖矿用户带来额外收入来源而用户不需出力。便于手机使用的网页和监控应用也在酝酿中。” 在从事比特币行业之前,Marek Palatinus有将近15年的IT行业从业经验。他曾经联合开发了几个成功的互联网创业公司,并且还是欧洲中部的一家最大的银行的企业架构师。除了以Slush而闻名之外,Marek还是比特币矿池概念的发明人,Slush矿池的运营官,轻量级 Stratum协议的设计者以及TREZOR的核心程序员。 Slushpool模拟账户界面 针对slushpool此次发布对中国的服务,Marek Palatinus接受了巴比特资讯记者的访问。由于采访用英语进行,为方便巴比特用户更好地理解,我们选择双语方式呈现。 As the first mining pool of the world, what kind of situation are you in when you create the Slushpool Slushpool作为世界上第一个矿池,当初是在什么条件下建立的? Hi, my name is Marek Palatinus but in the Bitcoin space I’m better known by nickname “Slush”. The SlushPool was created in late 2010 when I was mining for bitcoins alone with my computer and realized that it’s quickly becoming unprofitable for single miners. Fortunately, a solution came to my mind. I’ve created a system where small miners would join together to pool their resources and share their profit proportionally. That’s why the method is called “pooled mining”. Hi, 我是Marek Palatinus,但在比特币界,我的昵称“Slush”更广为人知一些。SlushPool创立于2010年底,当时我正用自己的电脑挖矿并意识到独立挖矿的方式将很快会无利可图。值得庆幸的是我想到了一个解决方法,因此我创建了一个可以让挖矿者们联合起来,集中资源和按比例分享利润的系统,那就是为什么这个方法叫做“pooled mining”(可理解为联合挖矿)。 How are the things going on since the Slushpool has been created. Which aspects do your business includes Slushpool从成立到现在,发展情况如何?主要业务包括哪几个方面? SlushPool has been going through a lot of stuff since its inception. It will be 5 years this December and in the history there has been just very few hours of downtime. Most of our business consists of taking care of the infrastructure and providing customer support. The SlushPool falls under our parent company called SatoshiLabs, which also produces Bitcoin hardware wallet called TREZORand runs a Bitcoin services directory. SlushPool自成立起经历了许许多多,只有屈指可数的几小时停工期,到今年12月它将走过第5年。我们的业务重心主要在维护基础设施和提供客户技术支持服务。 SlushPool是SatoshiLabs的子公司,SatoshiLabs的业务还包括比特币硬件钱包-TREZOR和比特币服务指南. Please introduce the Slushpool founding team. 可否大致介绍下slushpool的创始团队? SlushPool was originally a one man project and then gradually after few years I’ve realized that it’s getting more serious, so I’ve started to bring more people in. Now there’s up to 8 people working on various parts of the business. SlushPool最初只是我个人的一个项目,但几年后我意识到需要认真对待,所以我开始招人加入。现在我们有8个员工分工合作。 What are the fields that your business focuses on Slushpool does not release the Chinese version. Is that because there are not enough Chinese users If there is any, what the proportion do the Chinese users occupied slushpool始终没有中文版界面,之前业务主要集中在哪些区域?是否因为之前中国用户不多?占多大比例? We have already released our service in China, we have servers in Beijing and also in Singapore for Asia-pacific and we even provide support in Chinese language. 我们已经发布对中国的服务,我们在北京和新加坡设有服务器并且提供中文的技术支持。 Why you expand your business to the eastern hemisphere what you prepare for this move Please introduce the process of your preparation. 目前拓展在亚洲的挖矿业务是出于怎样的想法?筹备过程是怎样的? Bitcoin mining is a global phenomenon so it is natural for this business to expand to all continents. China is one of the biggest untapped markets with a huge potential as Bitcoin is quickly becoming popular there. 比特币挖矿是全球性的,所以我们自然而然把业务扩展到各大洲。中国是未完全开发的市场之一,并且比特币在中国正迅速流行开来,有巨大潜力。 Compared with other mining pool, what advantages do the Slushpool have 与其他矿池相比,slushpool的优势是什么? I can honestly say that our pool has the best user interface and monitoring capabilities. Any bigger mining farm operator will tell you that quickly identifying the problem when things go wrong is the key. This is where we have edge over other pools in the advanced monitoring and reporting features. Our support team is also very well informed and provides answers and help quickly. 我可以很坦然地说我们的矿池有最好的用户界面和监控能力。任何一个大的矿池运作人都会告诉您出现故障时能迅速识别问题所在是矿池运作的关键。高级的监控和报告特性使我们优越于其它矿池;同时,我们的技术支持人员也是非常灵通的,能快速回复和提供帮助。 I see this“our unique return system provides loyal users with steady and transparent reward”on the Chinese version of your website. What kind of the system?How you operate the system 中文版网站上介绍“我们的独特回报系统为忠实用户提供稳定透明的报酬 。”这个系统指什么?具体如何运作? We are using a score based system to distribute bitcoins to miners proportionally to their hashing speed . This system works best for people who mine with our pool over a longer period of time, because sometimes the reward can be unpredictably higher or lower. That’s the nature of bitcoin mining. 我们使用基于指数加权算法的系统根据用户的挖矿能力对应的份额来分配比特币份额。这个系统对长期在我们矿池挖矿的用户是效果最好的,因为出于比特币的本质,报酬有时会难以预料的高,有时则非常低。 “smart load balance and failover system can make sure that……” please explain “the smart load balance” and “failover” in detail and how they can be realized. “智能的负载平衡和故障转移系统确保您在99.9%的时间挖矿进行中。”这两点可否详细解释下,智能的负载平衡和故障转移是怎么实现的? These are systems we use on the server side of our business. In simple words it means that our servers are distributed on a cloud and even if it goes down locally, we can relay you to other servers in different location to achieve the highest possible uptime so our customers can earn bitcoins without interruption . 这些是我们用于服务器的一些系统,简单来讲就是我们的服务器分布在云端,即使本地的出现故障,我们能将您的算力接到其他地区的服务器,尽最大可能保障您的比特币挖矿在进行中,不会出现中断。 We all know that all kinds of security incidents often occur. So how the Slushpool protect the security of users’ account 比特币行业安全事故频发,slushpool如何保障用户账户安全呢? We take security very seriously at SatoshiLabs and no different is it on SlushPool. That’s why we send payouts automatically to miners so there’s never too many bitcoins on one spot, thus not even making a target for hackers. Users can also enable 2 factor authentication for access to their accounts. When you combine this with our TREZOR wallet risks are very minimal. 在SatoshiLabs我们非常认真地对待安全问题,SlushPool也是一样的。正因如此,我们系统自动发送报酬给用户以避免过多比特币存储,自然就不会成为黑客的目标。用户也可以启用双重认证功能管理账户权限。加上使用我们的TREZOR,风险就最小化了。 last, what your plan on the Slushpool development in the future 未来的发展计划如何? Right now we’re working on implementation of “merged mining”, which is additional revenue stream for miners without any added effort from their side. A mobile friendly website and mobile monitoring app is also in the pipeline. 当下我们正努力实现“合并挖矿”,它将给挖矿用户带来额外收入来源而用户不需出力。便于手机使用的网页和监控应用也在酝酿中。 In general we’d like to provide our users with everything they need to mine efficiently. We’re also testing new possibilities of getting feedback and proposals on new features through our “Development corner”: There are always many things that we can choose from to develop or integrate but currently our main focus is to get more miners on board from all around the world. 总的来说,我们愿意为用户提供任何有效挖矿所需。我们通过新特性–“开发角”正在测试收集反馈和开发提议的可能性。 我们总会有许多选择来开发或整合,但目前我们的主要着眼点是让全世界更多的挖矿者加入我们。
